Game #1 vs. Memphis Pacers
5:30pm: Friday, June 1, 2007

"Hey Colin"...what are they talking about?

Hmmm...What are they thinking about?

#12 Cody Reuhlan, scores 3 - he was "on" this weekend...
Cannon County: 69Memphis Pacers: 93
Well, we didn't do so well in this one! Do you believe at half time we had 4 point lead?
Game #2

Here we go, tip off time 12:12pm: Saturday, June 2, 2007. vs. TN Mavericks (Blue)
Swish! 3 points...
#31 - Jared Nave(right)
#1 - Cody Reuhlan (below)

Sometimes, when they throw that ball to Brian under the goal...we all hold our breath, there are two many defenders!
#31 - Jared Nave goes to the line!

#1 - Cody Reuhlan, brings the ball down.
#11 - Casey Willard
STRETCH....T.J....STRETCH, Go Defense!

#34 - Justin Davenport, which ways is he going to go? #3 of the Mavericks is getting ready to follow...

#23 - Colin Jones, making his way down the court.
#14 - Brian Cripps goes to the GOAL!

#31 - Jared Nave in control of the ball, #14 - Brian Cripps comes over to do that screen thing when Greg pats his head...
Cannon County: 46 TN Mavericks (Blue): 40
Way to Go!

Here we go, tip off time 5:12pm: Saturday, June 2, 2007. vs. Nashville Warriors

Okay, come on...I bet you can't get past us?
#14 - Brian Cripps
#11 - Casey Willard
#12 - Cody Reuhlan

#11 - Casey Willard and #31 - Jared Nave, wait their turn in the last few minutes of the game. In the background, Jamie Nave (Jared's Mother), whom always keeps the books for the boys, and most of the time the scoreboard too, we never seem to have anybody who can keep the score correctly. Thanks, to Jamie from all!

Who says "white boys" can't JUMP?
#30 - Colin Jones

#34 Justin Davenport

Cannon County : 60
Nashville Warriors: 62
Good game, Ref's helped us lose this one!